1. 先创建事件处理方法:TfsCallMethodEvent 2. 然后再用调用TfsScript.AddMethod方法,第一个参数为Delphi方法的语法,第二个参数为TfsCallMethodEvent链接的一个句柄。 如在Delphi有一个过程为DelphiFunc, ….. procedure TForm1.DelphiFunc(s: String; i: Integer); begin ShowMessage(s + ', ' + IntToStr(i)); end; {TfsCallMethodEvent} function TForm1.CallMethod(Instance: TObject; ClassType: TClass; const MethodName: String; var Params: Variant): Variant; begin if MethodName = 'DELPHIFUNC' then //注意方法名称都为大写比较。 DelphiFunc(Params[0], Params[1]); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin { clear all items }fsScript1.Clear;
{ script text }
fsScript1.Lines := Memo1.Lines;
{ frGlobalUnit contains standard types and functions }fsScript1.Parent := fsGlobalUnit;
{ make DelphiFunc procedure visible to a script }fsScript1.AddMethod('procedure DelphiFunc(s: String; i: Integer)', CallMethod);
{ compile the script }if fsScript1.Compile then
fsScript1.Execute else
{ execute if compilation was succesfull }
{ show an error message }
fsScript1.Clear; { script text } fsScript1.Lines := Memo1.Lines; { frGlobalUnit contains standard types and functions } fsScript1.Parent := fsGlobalUnit; { make DelphiFunc procedure visible to a script } { compile the script } if fsScript1.Compile then { Call script function with one string parameter and one integer param } fsScript1.CallFunction('ScriptFunc', VarArrayOf(['Call ScriptFunc', 1])) else ShowMessage(fsScript1.ErrorMsg); { show an error message } end; 例如动态脚本内容如下: procedure ScriptFunc(Msg: String; Num: Integer); begin ShowMessage('1st param: ' + Msg + ' 2nd param: ' + IntToStr(Num)); end; begin DelphiFunc('Call DelphiFunc', 1); end.